April 2013 Archiv


Something which is still not enough in the minds of cloud providers and users is the question of data protection and privacy. As a fundamental right of the “data subject”, this is not a genuine interest of cloud providers and users in the first place.

Jan Philipp Albrecht MEP

Amelie and Ulrich.

They could never have a relationship.

Because they just could not have one single meaningless conversation.

Heel krachtig.

Krachtige supercomputers berekenen alle neerslag scenario's door. Vergelijk het met een schaakcomputer die de beste zet berekent om het spel te winnen.



They are among us.

And they can hear colours.

Yes, I am jealous.


You may want to read up an the Ship of Theseus to figure out which is the real Tor ;>

Paul Syverson