April 2013 Archiv

Daemon v.0.1.

Yes, I think I will live long enough to witness the first virus which is "smart" enough to generate money (i.e. bitcoins) by reuploading stuff on filehosters and/or collecting AdSense revenue. Coding of the next version will then be literally outsourced.


Und wieder mal bot das Badezimmer unerwartete Informationen.

Denn er achtete eigentlich nie darauf die Deo-Dose wieder zuzudrehen.


BALANCE from Tobias Hutzler


Luxus ist wenn der Wind genau in Richtung Sonne geht.

Real and make believe.

One more kiss could be the best thing
Or one more lie could be the worst

And you love me but you don't know who I am

3 Doors Down - Let Me Go