Dezember 2014 Archiv

Did I hold you too tight?

We used to be closer than this
We used to be closer than this
We used to get closer than this
Is it something you miss?

The Xx: Chained


Zuhause ist dort wo dir traditionelle Feste gefallen du eine Meinung zu traditionellen Festen hast.

Personal Concentration.

Computers are not inherent sources of distraction — they can in fact be powerful engines of focus — but latter-day versions have been designed to be, because attention is the substance which makes the whole consumer internet go.

Clay Shirky: Why I Just Asked My Students To Put Their Laptops Away

Aldi to?

Globalisation of the week (read with an australian voice):

Is Aldi this way, mate?


Finally found a place where I like dogs: wine labels.