Februar 2015 Archiv

Validtines Day.

Our Valentine's Special investigates the metaphysics of love: what is the nature of romantic love? which metaphysical options are there? what are the formal properties of the loving relation? I will try to answer some of these questions, focussing on a plural interpretation of love. Expect obscure philosophy, plural logic, and *lots of pathos*.

Eileen Wagner: What Is This Thing Called Love? Cool Logic Seminar, ILLC, Amsterdam

Non-sense is Freedom. Literally.

This last is, perhaps, my most anti-utilitarian opinion: I hold all knowledge that is concerned with things that actually exist – all that is commonly called Science – to be of very slight value compared to the knowledge which, like philosophy and mathematics, is concerned with ideal and eternal objects, and is freed from this miserable world which God has made.

Bertrand Russell - Autobiography


It is a great thing to find a puzzle; because, so long as it is puzzling one knows one has not got to the bottom of things.

Bertrand Russell - Autobiography

Sauf und Saus.

Und was unterscheidet den Angehörigen der westlichen Wertegesellschaft vom Islamisten? Die Fähigkeit, ja, der feste Wille, betrunken Fahrrad zu fahren!

Hans Zippert (FAZ): Betrunken Fahrrad fahren ist doch ein Menschenrecht


It's amazing how slow javascript can be.