Er is dus alle reden om Hannekes Boom per fiets, boot, parachute, tram of te voet te bezoeken.
März 2016 Archiv
Met drie versnellingen.
Met de nieuwe boeing 747 was Rogier lekker snel thuis. Er zat alleen geen kettingslot bij, dus nu staat het vliegtuig in de gang.
It is impossible to recommend everything and follow all recommendations at the same time.
There's so much of "place" in the world. There's less time because the time has to be spread extra thin over all the places, like butter. So all the persons say "Hurry up! Let's get going! Pick up the pace! Finish up now!".
It felt as if someone had been following you secretly and buying train tickets for you your whole life. You never realized that you would have to get one.