Make a note: If facebook is there to stay, most profiles will be of dead people.
November 2016 Archiv
As a kid, visiting Chicago was like, well, Katniss visiting the capital.
Man stelle sich vor, wie entsetzlich der „Tatort“ wäre, würde er tatsächlich als „Spiegel der Gesellschaft“ fungieren, wie es bisweilen heißt. Dann würden im Berlin-„Tatort“ 89 Minuten lang nur Fahrräder geklaut.
Leaf Listening.
Frankly, I think it would do you a lot of good to talk to a tree once in awhile, even more good than talking to me!
God in The Tao Is Silent by Raymond M. Smullyan
Bunt und Braun.
On some days nights only coloring and chocolate pudding can help.