After spending hours mixing up \cite{}
and \ref{}
, it would be smart not to spend even more hours programming a third command that automatically picks the right one. But it would be nice.
Februar 2018 Archiv
For both sides.
It's dangerous to get addicted to helping people.
Liaisons were supposed to be announced when they were formed and when they were dissolved. It was a way to curtail gossip and intrigue, which could so easily run rampant in a math.
Neil Stephenson: Anathem
Brute Force Police.
Der Anteil der rechtswidrigen Ersuchen lag im Jahr 2017 bei rund 42 Prozent.
When, one day, a translation engine crafts an artistic novel in verse in English, using precise rhyming iambic tetrameter rich in wit, pathos, and sonic verve, then I’ll know it’s time for me to tip my hat and bow out.