There was a common issue that has since been fixed where boyfriend photos were accidentally posted instead of girlfriends. We have since corrected the issue and removed all posts made in error.
April 2018 Archiv
Sometimes, giving up hope is the hard part.
Dirty Fingers.
If a person asks you to step in, try to do the minimum to get them back in a known place. Describe what you’re doing, as you’re doing it — think of yourself as a tour guide, pointing out the sights. Ask for feedback to make sure your audience knows what you’re doing, and hand back control as soon as you can.
EFF Security Education Companion: A Word on Touching Other People’s Devices: Don’t.
Es gibt Tages- und Nachtzeiten zu denen Spazierengehen ohne Hund fast auffällig ist, wenn man nicht gerade eine Katze ist.
Makenager Problem.
When you're operating on the maker's schedule, meetings are a disaster.