November 2018 Archiv

Contempt Contest.

Microsoft and Apple have been changing places. For a long time, Microsoft was the main enemy of users’ freedom, and then, for the past ten years or so, it’s been Apple. When the first iThings came out, around 2007, it was a tremendous advance in contempt for users’ freedom because it imposed censorship of applications—you could only install programs approved by Apple.

Richard Stallman, interviewed in New Left Review 113, September-October 2018


Es geht nicht um Herkunft, Hautfarbe und Religion
Hauptsache, der Teig ist dünn; Hauptsache, Tomatensoße

Antilopen Gang: Pizza


Auch wenn sie nie eine Tätowierung haben wollte tat es gut darüber nachzudenken welche es denn wäre. Und wo und wann und warum.


I find it telling if a spell checking program does not know the word "oppressed".


An act is meaningful or significant when it gives substantial realizable betterment to people or the community at large.

mindofjim: Rejecting nihilism and proclaiming “our lives can have meaning!”