I can switch search engines, but I can't tell other people to go off Gmail. Email used to work, from its 7-bit days onward. It was one standard thing that you could rely on in the ever changing mess of messaging web apps and proprietary lock-ins. And now it's increasingly broken. I hope people realize that if they don't get a reply, perhaps it's because some machine somewhere decided for them that they don't need to know about it.
Mai 2019 Archiv
Silent Search.
In 2018, Spamhaus rated .men as the worst top-level domain in terms of spam and scamming. .men comes top with 60.6% of its 73,000 domains identified as "bad", resulting in a badness index of 6.48.
DB DuftBaum.
In den Sorten abgebrannte ICE Bremsen, alter IC Teppich, trockene RE Pulverseife, und viele andere...
Der Slogan: Reiseduft, jetzt auch für zuhause.
And to myself, a tiny bit II.
You Can Get It If You Really Want
Jimmy Cliff
Ich hab' die Blumen weggeworfen und die Katze verschenkt ...