Mai 2019 Archiv

Grow, not build.

Finally, a wall worth wanting.


Anything that grows multiplicatively grows faster (all else being equal) when pooling and sharing reduces fluctuations.

Marc Elsberg: Farmers Fable,
animated at


I find sometimes it's easy
To be myself
Sometimes I find it's better to be somebody else

Dave Matthews Band: So Much To Say


Lavender also has a bag made of cloth, but it is so small that not even an apple would fit inside. Instead, it holds one of Lavender's prized possessions, one she proudly shows to anyone who asks: a small bell-shaped object made of silicone.

Verena Töpper: Blood Sisters: Menstrual Cups Help Keep Kenyan Girls in School (Spiegel Online)


Selig sei die Stadt genannt, wo ich ... na gut, die auch noch.