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September 2020 Archiv
Frei Zeit.
Practicality and Grace.
You can see that current pockets are located completely outside the area where there is potentially space; the hips and butt of modern pants, for both women and men, are closely fitted. If there’s any ease, it starts just above the knees.
Conveniently, the point where the vastus lateralis starts to curve back in towards the knee, creating space, is also right around the lowest point your arms can reach without bending over, giving us a well-defined
So spielt man in Deutschland und Österreich das Fränkische, das Altenburger, das Bayerische und das französische Blatt, in Österreich kommt noch das Tarockblatt hinzu.
Garmin Gold.
Now that all #Garmin servers are down, let me recommend GoldenCheetah, a great offline-first software to manage cycling etc. data: "We believe that cyclists and triathletes should be able to download their power data to the computer of their choice"
me on mastodon and on twitter (2020-07-26)
The best we have until HTCPCP becomes a standard.
ISO 3103 is a standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (commonly referred to as ISO), specifying a standardized method for brewing tea, possibly sampled by the standardized methods described in ISO 1839.