Kategorie: Allgemein

Frei Tag.

Time to rest now and to finish the show.

Nightwish: Alpenglow

Dattelning with Deutsche Bahn.

Fazit: Der Bahnkonzern will klimafreundlicher werden, schöpft seine Möglichkeiten aber noch nicht aus. Den Namen Klimaretter hat er so noch nicht verdient. Das Transportmittel Bahn ist hingegen unbestritten ein Klimaschützer: Güterzüge sind sechs bis sieben Mal klimaschonender als Lkw. Im Personenverkehr ist die Treibhausgasbilanz ähnlich: 55 Gramm pro Personenkilometer (g/Pkm) im Nah- und 29g/Pkm im Fernverkehr. Das Auto liegt bei 143g/Pkm beim Auto, das Flugzeug bei 214g/Pkm. Es lohnt sich also, in den Zug zu steigen - auch wenn der nicht ganz so grün ist, wie sein Anstrich suggeriert.

Katja Sodomann (hr / tagesschau): Wie "grün" ist die Bahn wirklich?

Undesirable, but let's continue.

For applications in educational institutions, we find it undesirable that the ownership and responsibility for this data lies with Google. As a result, educational institutions using Google G Suite have little to no control over what happens with their data, creating a potential risk for the future. For example, if this metadata is being used to place personalised advertising.


We assume Google will make changes so the identified risks will be removed and education institutions can continue to use G Suite for Education safely.

SURF and SIVON discuss privacy risks with Google


Are you convinced by this explanation? Because I’m not. If this is all about slow websites, why not calculate the page load times locally and transmit only the slow ones? This still wouldn’t be great for privacy but an order of magnitude better than what Xiaomi actually implemented. Xiaomi really needs to try harder if we are to assume incompetence rather than malice here. How was it decided that sending all visited addresses is a good compromise? Was privacy even considered in that decision? Would they still make the same decision today? And if not, how did they adapt their processes to reflect this?

Almost Secure: Are Xiaomi browsers spyware? Yes, they are… (2020-05-04)

Off by one.

Happy 29th everyone!