Kategorie: Allgemein


Consider this sentence: Sue invited Anna for dinner. She proposed to meet on Monday. In spoken language, the word she could refer either to Sue or Anna. A signing person however can resolve this ambiguity: they will place Sue and Anna at two points in space and explicitly refer to one of them by pointing to her location.

Iris Proff: What happens if you grow up without language?

Excel lent.

When the persons after Jan are suddenly called Feb and Mar, and when genes need to be renamed, then maybe, just maybe, we should reevaluate the software we are using?


Lieve mensen, laten we toch alsjeblieft een beetje toleranter en aardiger zijn naar elkaar.

Jan van Eijck: Ik loop hier met mijn lantaren...


Yes, space(s) are important.

Social Distancing.

Not meeting people is easy.

Selecting the people to meet is hard.