Kategorie: Allgemein


Sometimes I hear a shiny new word, but the more I read and think about it, the less I want to use it.


It appears that Facebook will only look at problems if they realize that it might cost them too much political or media capital if they continue to ignore them

Hans de Zwart: How The Dude Was Duped By Big Tech

(warning: medium.com. use this.)

Kip kip kip kip kip kip kip kip kip kip kip kip.

Reality check: as of 2019 the average person in the Netherlands eats one entire chicken per month.

Keeping (a)live.

We hope this unconventional gesture from the Debian project will help us make this year somewhat less terrible and give us, and thus humanity, better Free Software tooling to approach the future.

Debian donation for Peertube development


Er is getracht een minder lugubere benaming in te voeren (bijvoorbeeld 'frietje feest' of 'friet vrede'), maar dit sloeg in het geheel niet aan.

Wikipedia: Friet / Patatje oorlog