Kategorie: Allgemein


I’m not the first person to notice that in cyber-security, feminism is a secret super-power. Checking every app, data-set and shiny new use-case for how men will use it to endanger women and girls is a great way to expose novel flaws and vulnerabilities the designers almost certainly missed. So, while looking at our relationship with our phones through a feminist lens may be disconcerting, it’s incredibly useful, and in a deliciously counter-intuitive way.

Maria Farrel: This is your phone on feminism (2019-09-13)


At least I know that I don't know.
The question is, are you smart enough to feel stupid?
Hope so.

Eminem: Berzerk

Song song song.

Musical taste argument of the day: If you can leave out a block of 50 seconds and the song still sounds the same, then it is probably crap.

42 Millimeter.

Nun ist unsere Zeit gekommen. Freiheit für Legoland! Unsere in der ganzen Welt verstreuten Landsleute möchte ich einladen, wieder in ihre ursprüngliche Heimat zurückzukehren.

König Legolas I. (Postillon: Legoland erklärt Unabhängigkeit von Dänemark)


Social media updates from the riders are a bit sparse, it seems that they are all too busy riding bikes. Can't think why.

Dotwatcher.cc: Race Around The Netherlands - Day 1 - The beginning