Kategorie: Allgemein

Soft Skills.

PHP is a hell of a language.

Pain Target.

Since women are known to benefit from social support more than men [...], they were selected for the role of pain target.

Goldstein et. al (2018): Brain-to-brain coupling during handholding is associated with pain reduction. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1703643115

A dream of science.

I had a dream that Sci-Hub gets discussed by the U.N. For example, Russia could tell the U.S. that it’s a violation of human rights [to ban Sci-Hub] because the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights says everyone has the right to participate in scientific advancement. But that remained only a dream.


There is no real community to discuss that, you hardly hear such voices. Not just in the mainstream media, but even on YouTube, for example. It all died by 2013, when Aaron Swartz died.

Alexandra Elbakyan (as quoted in Blackballed by PayPal, Scientific-Paper Pirate Takes Bitcoin Donations by Anna Baydakova on CoinDesk.com)


Everybody wants to be happy so
Take a look around find a hand to hold
If you really want you can change like the weather
No matter what you do it'll keep getting better

Katzenjammer: Rock-Paper-Scissors

Stopping to continue.

Weil wir das Aufhören nicht können und nicht wollen, weil niemand Aufhörer wählt, sondern Macher, müssen wir weitermachen. Und dieses »weiter so« wird uns nach Corona in eine Normalität verfrachten, die soweit es nur irgendwie geht, der ähneln wird, die wir vor Corona kannten.

Luisa Neubauer in taz FUTURZWEI: The Long Goodbye