Kategorie: Allgemein


Confusing compliments are the best.


The joke was that Hungarian scientists are actually descendants of a Martian scout force which landed in Budapest around the year 1900, and later departed after the planet was found unsuitable, but leaving behind children by several Earth women, children who all became the famous scientists. John von Neumann used a number of facts as mock evidence to support this claim, such as the close geographic proximity of the Martians' birthplaces; the well-traceable career path, which started with an interest in chemistry, led the individual in question to German universities where he moved towards physics, at which point the Martian left Europe for the US.

Wikipedia: The Martians (scientists)

Paid to fail.

One recent study determined that European universities spend roughly 1.4 billion euros a year on failed grant applications.

David Graeber: Bullshit Jobs


"Wij voelen dat het nog te vroeg is. We willen ze hier nog niet hebben", zegt Raw. "We houden vol. Als er één les is die we kunnen trekken uit de zeventiende eeuw is dat het leven uiteindelijk weer normaal wordt", zegt dominee Gilbert.

Tim de Wit / NOS nieuwsuur: Er is één Brits dorp dat niets van versoepelingen wil weten


"Why call it anything? Names are such question-beggars. Why not be content with just knowing that it happened?"

Island by Aldous Huxley