Kategorie: Allgemein


An so einem schönen Datum zwei werden ist zweimal so gut!

Scrabble für 200 Punkte.

Finde ein Wort mit zwei Doppelkonsonanten die beide getrennt ausgesprochen werden.

Preparing slow and using fast.

Often taking longer than expected:

  • cooking
  • writing
  • thinking

Often taking shorter than expected:

  • eating
  • reading
  • doing

How long can you stand the heat?

The window doesn't open, and the fan is broke,
And my face is turnin' blue.
I haven't been in a crowd like this
Since I went to see The Who.
Well, I should'a got off a couple miles ago,
But I couldn't get to the door.
There isn't any room for me to breathe.
Now we're gonna pick up more, yeah!

"Weird Al" Yankovic: Another One Rides the Bus


Realitäts-Update der Woche: Unter Windows 10 enthält nun sogar Solitaire Werbung. Mit Videos.