Kategorie: Allgemein


The Friend refused to answer to the name [...] any longer and ignored or chastised those who insisted on using it. When visitors asked if it was the name of the person they were addressing, the Friend simply quoted Luke 23:3 ("thou sayest it"). Identifying as neither male nor female, the Friend asked not to be referred to with gendered pronouns. Followers respected these wishes, avoiding gender-specific pronouns even in private diaries, and referring only to "the Public Universal Friend" or short forms such as "the Friend" or "P.U.F."

Wikipedia: Public Universal Friend


For god’s sake, let’s stop painting our own society as a haven of peace and safety, which it most definitely isn’t, and by the same token, let’s stop turning the rest of the world into a no-go zone, full of dangerous criminals.

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When you look at my privilege, compared to that of many of the people I have travelled among, it is beyond tasteless to suggest that I am the vulnerable one.

Emily Chappell: On rape and racism

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Current work-load level: Regularly typing my work desktop password into my private laptop.

Herr-lich einfächltig.

Ach, vielleicht deshalb weil es so herrlich einfach ist, in einem festen männlichen Ton miteinander zu verkehren. Ich habe mit der Faust auf den Tisch geschlagen, er hat mit der Faust auf den Tisch geschlagen; natürlich mußte ich dann doppelt so heftig auf den Tisch schlagen: Ich glaube, deshalb habe ich es getan.

Ulrich in Rober Musil: Der Mann ohne Eigentschaften (Zweites Buch, Kapitel 30)


Hühnerstall und Motorrad werden völlig überbewertet.