Kategorie: Allgemein

Leere .

Trailing whitespace is shitespace.


Aren’t personal property and private property essentially the same thing, though? No! There’s a difference between things that are owned by persons and things that are owned by entities, and although that difference has been obscured by over a century’s worth of “corporations are people” rhetoric from the right, it’s still an important one. Scale matters: It might be reasonable for Bob to say I can’t go hang out in his backyard gazebo while he’s on vacation, but it’s far different for The Bob Corporation to say that I’m not allowed to set foot in a certain forest, beach, park, shopping mall, or abandoned soap factory.

Nick Slater: The Innocent Pleasure of Trespassing

Lernenslanges Leben.

It's sad but probable that I will learn less during the next century than this one.


Stille Radwege und friedliche Tiere am Morgen vertreiben Kummer und Sorgen.

Wordie Maker.

Dear Microsoft, why the hell did you think animating the cursor in Word would be a good idea?!