Kategorie: Allgemein


Fiona, walking to and from the bathroom, was fascinated to see evidence of men and women living and sleeping and bathing together.

Neal Stephenson: The Diamond Age


In an era when everything can be surveiled, all we have left is politeness.

Neal Stephenson: The Diamond Age


Herr Janosch, wie verbringt man einen tollen Abend vor dem Fernseher? »Man braucht vor allem jemanden, mit dem man zusammen Fernsehen schaut. Wenn man den genau Richtigen dazu hat, braucht man unter Umständen gar keinen Fernseher mehr.«

Janosch-Kolumne, ZEITmagazin


3. Thou shalt remember the 30 minute inactivity timeout, and remember to speak to the IMAP server before that timeout expires. If thou useth the IDLE command, thou shalt send DONE from the IDLE before 29 minutes hath passed, and issue a new IDLE. If thou maketh no use of IDLE, then thou shalt send NOOP every few minutes, and the server shalt tell you about new mail, and there will be much rejoicing in the

Mark Crispin: Ten Commandments of How to Write an IMAP client (UW IMAP Server Documentation)

