Kategorie: Allgemein

Dr. Br.

Glückwunsch, Frau Doktor!

Math Mountain.

Dans la seconde partie de mon rapport, il s'agit des variétés kählériennes dites K3, ainsi nommées en l'honneur de Kummer, Kähler, Kodaira et de la belle montagne K2 au Cachemire.

In the second part of my report, we deal with the Kähler varieties known as K3, named in honor of Kummer, Kähler, Kodaira and of the beautiful mountain K2 in Kashmir.

André Weil (1958, p. 546), describing the reason for the name "K3 surface" (as quoted on Wikipedia: K3 surface)


I am keenly aware of a tension here. As an XR rebel, I participate in acts that are clearly against the law. Indeed, acting against the law is the whole point of the rebellion. On the other hand, I do not think any society can function without a police force to uphold the law. I happen to be a retired professor, not a police officer. But I do not find it at all difficult to imagine a situation where the roles are reversed, where I am a police officer facing a blockade with a retired professor in it.

Jan van Eijck: We Have Not Made Ourselves

Run like hell.

Under lexical scoping (also known as static scoping), the scope of a variable is determined by the lexical (i.e., textual) structure of a program.


Under dynamic scoping, a variable is bound to the most recent value assigned to that variable, i.e., the most recent assignment during the program’s execution.

Inside PRL: Lexical and Dynamical Scope

Станислав Евграфович Петров II.

Good bye, dear savior. Let's hope we learned more from you than how do make good (docu)drama. We should at least add yours to the "not to be replaced by super-fast AI" list of jobs.