Kategorie: Allgemein

Familie ist was mensch daraus macht.

Alles gute dir und euch!


Wuttiraden, klingt eigentlich ganz knuffig.

Eigentum verdeichtet.

Keen nich will dieken, de mutt wieken.



Are you aware of what you make me feel?

Avril Lavigne: Losing Grip


A prime example is that CERN has enjoyed special conditions for the use of Microsoft products for the last 20 years, by virtue of its status as an “academic institution”. However, recently, the company has decided to revoke CERN’s academic status, a measure that took effect at the end of the previous contract in March 2019, replaced by a new contract based on user numbers, increasing the license costs by more than a factor of ten. Although CERN has negotiated a ramp-up profile over ten years to give the necessary time to adapt, such costs are not sustainable.

Anticipating this situation, the IT department created the Microsoft Alternatives project, MAlt, a year ago.

CERN news: Microsoft Alternatives project (MAlt)