Kategorie: Allgemein


Since the 1980s, the Iroise coast in Brittany has received a supply of bright orange landline novelty phones shaped like the famous cartoon cat.

BBC: Garfield phones beach mystery finally solved after 35 years

Fullove House.

Das Haus des Herzens ist nie voll.

Sprichwort von den Kapverdischen Inseln (via DJH Kalender)


Remember by drinking the contents of this carton you will be summoned when the fourth moon rises under the emerald sky and the rabbit runs thru the 14th sector to gather in a field of oats and watch the paranoia burn. For realz.


Supernatural, supranational love!

I whisper in your ear, forbidden things you want to hear.
Two dozen tongues, one yearning voice.
I crave to see your constitution!
Sparkling Daughter, take my hand, your magic binds again.
Let me show you the way, to give me what I need.

Come on, do it! I want it all!
Down with the fences! Down with the walls!

Neo Magazin Royale: United States of Europe


In summary, algebraic geometry is classical music, and number theory is heavy metal.

Lovely little lemmas