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Zum 1. November 2018 tritt im Personenstandsrecht der neu eingefügte § 45a des Personenstandsgesetzes (PStG) in Kraft. Er ermöglicht eine „Neusortierung“ der bestehenden Vornamen einer Person.

Voraussetzung ist, dass die Person mehr als einen Vornamen besitzt und dass die Vornamen nach deutschem Recht gewählt wurden.

rehm-verlag: Der 1.11.2018 – ein Feiertag für den Rufnamen?

Begane grond.

So ist das also, im Erdgeschoss zu wohnen.


Often the answer lies in providing people with a counter-ideology that both reveals the fabricated nature of consumer ideology and offers an alternative vision of the world. A counter-ideology to porn would similarly need to disrupt and interrupt its messages, and it would have to be as powerful and as pleasurable as porn, telling men that porn’s image of women is a lie, fabricated to sell a particular version of sex. This alternative ideology would also need to present a different vision of heterosexual sex, one built on gender equality and justice. Few men are exposed to such a feminist ideology.

Gail Dines: Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality



One way to think about effects is to turn the question around; rather than asking how porn affects users, we could ask, Under what conditions would the images in porn not have an effect? In other words, what do men need to be exposed to in order to counter the stories in porn? In media studies we ask similar questions when discussing how to immunize people to the constant flow of consumerist ideology that is paired with capitalism.

Gail Dines: Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality


Porn should not be understood as an avant-garde “art form” allowing for the creativity and playfulness of independent directors, performers, and producers. It needs to be understood as a business whose product evolves with a specifically capitalist logic. Moreover, this is a business with considerable political clout, with the capacity to lobby politicians, engage in expensive legal battles, and use public relations to influence public debate. As with the tobacco industry, this is not a simple matter of consumer choice; rather, the business is increasingly able to deploy a sophisticated and well-resourced marketing machine.

Gail Dines: Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality