Kategorie: Allgemein


I've confused passion with excitement. An issue people rarely talk about these days is what true passion actually feels like. Instead we assume that passion feels like excitement — that passion is inherently exciting — but that assumption is usually wrong. You see, it's easy to get briefly excited about something — an idea, a project, a potential promotion—and think that means we're passionate about it too. But this sensation of excitement is different from the type of deep passion that drives and fulfils people long term. Excitement comes and goes; it wanes when times get hard, when the work gets tough, when creative flow turns into drudgery. True passion, however, arises after you've put in the long hours necessary to become a skilled craftsman, a skillset you can then leverage to have an impact, to gain autonomy and respect, to shape and control your destiny.

The Minimalists: Everything That Remains


When we make changes in our lives, we're often afraid of what people will think of us. Will they think I'm crazy or stupid or out of touch? The truth is, people are more supportive and understanding than we think. Particularly the people who are closest to us.

The Minimalists: Everything That Remains


Careers are dangerous because people invest so much of themselves into their careers that they establish an identity and a social status based upon where they work and what they do for a living.

The Minimalists: Everything That Remains


Die Grünen holen die zweitmeisten Stimmen.

Anton Hofreiter dreht vor Freude schon am Windrad.

heute show liveblog zur Landtagswahl in Bayern 2018

Auch mit anderen.

Reden hilft. Auch über das Nicht-Reden in der Vergangenheit.