Kategorie: Allgemein


I have found it most useful to break down the types of bullshit job into five categories. I will call these: flunkies, goons, duct tapers, box tickers, and taskmasters.

David Graeber: Bullshit Jobs


That’s why any sentence that contains the word “brand” is almost certainly bullshit. Because “brand” as it’s used in corporate board rooms is a way of fooling the customer into feeling as if she’s entered into a social contract, while carefully ensuring that there is no reciprocal contract on the part of the corporation.

Cory Doctorow: The Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow


“The people who are the most honest about themselves do not play the game of Instagram,” Amanuel says. “The game of Instagram is who can maximise their likes by being the most risque, outrageous or conformist as possible. I didn’t want to play that game.”

Sirin Kale (The Guardian): Logged off: meet the teens who refuse to use social media

Kritik und Kontroversen.

4.1 Gespräche mit AfD-Politikern
4.2 Strafanzeigen wegen Presseberichterstattung auf Netzpolitik.org
4.3 NSA-Untersuchung
4.4 Vorwurf, im Fall Amri gegenüber dem Parlament die Unwahrheit gesagt zu haben
4.5 Äußerungen zu den Ausschreitungen in Chemnitz

Auszug aus dem Inhaltsverzeichnis des Wikipedia-Artikels über Hans-Georg Maaßen (Stand 13:33, 9. Sep. 2018‎)

The Problems of our Time.

The other three sides of the tower are displaying the correct time, which is decidedly confusing for city dwellers and tourists alike. A special company has been hired to fix the broken clock, but it is expected to take around a week for all sides of the tower to display the same time. If the software error is not fixed by the end of October, then that clock face will actually become the correct time again due to daylight saving time.

The Northern Times: Martini Tower clock displaying wrong time