Kategorie: Allgemein

On the Read to Paradise.

But he failed to come up with anything more constructive than the thought that he ought to spend more time lying around like this, reading good books.

David Lagercrantz: The Girl in the Spider's Web


Es gibt so viele Fragen in dem Verhältnis zu geliebten Menschen, über die der Bau des gemeinsamen Lebens hinausgeführt werden muß, bevor sie zu Ende gedacht sind, und später läßt das Gewordene keine Kraft mehr frei, um es sich anders auch nur vorzustellen.

Robert Musil: Die Vollendung der Liebe

There is more than C major.

A computer is like a violin. You can imagine a novice trying first a phonograph and then a violin. The latter, he says, sounds terrible. That is the argument we have heard from our humanists and most of our computer scientists. Computer programs are good, they say, for particular purposes, but they aren't flexible. Neither is a violin, or a typewriter, until you learn how to use it.

Marvin Minsky: Why Programming Is a Good Medium for Expressing Poorly Understood and Sloppily-Formulated Ideas


Unangekündigte Reisepause bis 2018-03-17


Bookland is a fictitious country that exists solely in EAN for the purposes of non-geographically cataloguing books in the otherwise geographically keyed EAN coding system.

Wikipedia: Bookland