Kategorie: Allgemein

The Pizza Scale.

  • Let someone else call a pizza delivery service for you.
  • Call a pizza delivery service
  • Go to a pizzeria.
  • Let someone else get frozen pizza at a supermarket.
  • Get frozen pizza from a supermarket.
  • Buy pizza dough at a supermarket.
  • Buy flour, tomato sauce and cheese at the supermarket.
  • Grow your own tomatoes.
  • Cycle to a farm to buy flour.
  • Grow your own flour.
  • ...


Lately, you meet a couple of lost Linux buddies and they complain to you that you didn’t return their messages. You say you never received the messages, and shrug. You never have an idea why didn’t a message go through, maybe because they used the client that is not officially supported? But your buddies silently think that you’re a lying son of a bitch. What they don’t know is that you just want to be a Google fanboy.

Trương Nguyễn Hữu Huân: How did Google Talk change from a dream to a nightmare?

Internet of Shleep.

I soon discovered that the only thing worse than getting a bad night’s sleep is to subsequently get a report from my bed telling me I got a low score and “missed my sleep goal.” Thanks, smart bed, but I know that already. I feel like shit.

Kashmir Hill and Surya Mattu: The House That Spied on Me


I can't wait to summerize this.


Losing my insanity
Would mean I'm losing everything

Ari Koivunen: Losing My Insanity