Kategorie: Allgemein


Alles van waarde is weerloos


ID1-1AWKK1C7. Ah ja.

Prokrastination der Woche: Dem "BahnCard Kunden-Dialog" erklären was DKIM und HTTPS sind. Mal sehen ob die Rechnung nächstes Jahr weniger phishy aussieht.


I have this theory that cycling is as close as a middle-class straight white guy can get to understanding Being Female. People have a reckless disregard for your safety, you have to treat everyone like they might hurt you, and if you do get hurt people will blame you for existing.

Emma Hart @Ghetsuhm


(a) In order to provide for the emergency management of the city, and further in order to provide for and protect the safety, security and general welfare of the city and its inhabitants, every head of household residing in the city limits is required to maintain a firearm, together with ammunition therefore.

Wikipedia: Kennesaw, Georgia, quoting the Municipal Code, Kennesaw, Georgia, Article II, Sec. 34-21. - Heads of households to maintain firearms.


So there you have it. Science, in all its branches, is our most sophisticated and objective means to investigate reality. And at the same time, scientists – many of them – cultivate this stance of ironic detachment from reality, afraid of making claims about how we should lead our lives. Science is the most conspicuous product of modernism, while the common attitude among scientists is more aptly described as postmodern.

Jan van Eijck: Reality