Kategorie: Allgemein

Submission Power.

It's hard to say what makes me work faster: an almost empty laptop battery or a serious submission deadline.


We need someone in order to be someone ourselves. But how can I be, if the other does not have the abilities, the experience and the vocabulary to recognise me?

Oscar van den Boogard
(Berliner Künstlerprogramm 2003)


After the "Slovene alphabet war" Metelko's alphabet was forbidden in 1833.

Wikipedia: Metelko alphabet


... "who" betekent hetzelfde als "wer" means the same as "wie" sounds the same as "wie" betekent hetzelfde als "how" heißt das gleiche wie "hoe" klingt genauso wie "who" ...

Walk the talk or walk off.

Men, if you say you're a feminist,
then fuck like a feminist!

Samantha Bee: #MeToo Backlash

(thx @ L*!)