Kategorie: Allgemein

The Polyamory-Traffic Isomorphism.

Common knowledge of rules on the road is crucial. So is knowing with whom one is or might be transitively in love.

In both settings, any finite nesting of modals like "Oh, but I thought that you thought that they would know that he thought ..." leads to disaster.


Wer erwartet eigentlich wen oder was in der Lebenserwartung?

How please don't tell me.

As an English teacher, xe was hopeless. They never got past the introductory class. It seemed too horrible and dangerous to teach humans to ask each other about their well being so often.

Yeah, maybe, like, sometime if we want. Or not.

[...] undertakes to pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures relating to [...]

United Nations: The Treaty On The Non-Proliferation Of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)


The hard part about invitations is not to revoke them at the very last minute.