Kategorie: Allgemein

Unkel der Brücke.

Der einzige Grund sich hier zu treffen wäre ein Wortspiel.

Common Secrecy.

Imagine I used a pass-phrase to encrypt a message to you. If you had to guess it without any hints, what would it be? Vice versa, which pass-phrase would you choose? And what would you expect me to expect you to choose?


Wann ist eigentlich die Schnulze zum Schluss zum kulturellen Standard in sämtlichen Erzähl-Medien erhoben worden?

Easy Mode.

Life is incredibly easier if a) you don't want to save the world and b) the world doesn't want to destroy you.


The cat was called sorrow or Zoro, but nobody really knew because the flat housed too many languages and even more accents.