Kategorie: Allgemein

Time(d) Travel.

Are you remembering that you’ll gain a day overall? Both Fogg, and Michael Palin following in his footsteps, forgot.

It’s annoying because you lose an hour every time you cross a time zone. If you travel 240 miles to the east you lose 15 minutes in that day. Every morning at eight o’clock my team put their watches back to try and incrementally lose time as we go, which means basically we have to treat every day like it’s 23 hours 45 minutes.

Mark Beaumont: Cycling around the world in 80 days

Nu, telkens.

Welke leeftijd zou je het liefst voor altijd hebben?

pickwick theezakje

Real Remix.

"It's hard to explain, but, for me, just aiming a speely input device, or a Farspark chambre, or whatver you call it ..."
"A speelycaptor."
"... at something doesn't collect what is meaningful to me. I need someone to gather it in with all their senses, mix it round in their head, and make it over into words."

Neal Stephenson: Anathem


Als je spreekt Engels, je kan werken overal ter wereld. Periode.

De Speld: Gebruik Engels als academisch taal, niets fout met dat!


So say something beautiful
Say what you're keeping inside

Seether: Let You Down