Kategorie: Allgemein

Run Think Environment.

Virtual machine-based languages, interpreted languages, and languages with runtime environments encourage users to view the execution environment as a black box. The goal here is to make programming easier by reducing the scope of the mental model the programmer must maintain. When bugs occur in these execution environments, you're left with a complete gap in understanding. You might solve this by understanding more about the execution environments, but then what is the point of that abstraction?

Devon H. O'Dell: The Debugging Mindset


How did this end up an everyday swearword?


Weißt du heute sind sie mir völlig egal
Ich kenne nich' einmal mehr ihre bescheuerten Namen

Wann war das 98 oder 2006?
Irgendwann sind die Erinnerungen weg

Sookee: Die Freundin von


New Germany exists once in South Africa, once in Canada and four times ins the USA. As if the old one wasn't enough already.

This is a Quote.

This sentence informs you that the preceding sentence is from another story entirely (a much better one, it must be noted) and has no place at all in this particular narrative. Despite claims of the preceding sentence, this sentence feels compelled to inform you that the story you are reading is in actuality “The Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka, and that the sentence referred to by the preceding sentence is the only sentence which does indeed belong in this story. This sentence overrides the preceding sentence [...]

David Moser: This is the title of this story, which is also found several times in the story itself