Kategorie: Allgemein

Split the Shit.

We need to disentangle that bullshit from whatever it comes up being attached to, over and over again, specifically when we enter situations we haven‘t been in yet or that we haven‘t figured out and ‚cleared‘ from patriarchal misogyny yet.

feministische fetzen: The Magnifying Glass Technique. Gross Close-Ups on Patriarchal Misogyny


Everyone was enjoying the new ThinkPad(s carton box).


We hope that American philosophy departments will someday teach Confucius as routinely as they now teach Kant, that philosophy students will eventually have as many opportunities to study the “Bhagavad Gita” as they do the “Republic,” [...]

Jay L. Garfield and Bryan W. Van Norden: If Philosophy Won’t Diversify, Let’s Call It What It Really Is

We don't need no negation.

I didn't write back, so she wouldn't have the chance to not respond.

All Your Time-Tossed Selves, a story made in Google Forms


I am a growing, changing, shifting, and expanding creature, but much about me is quite normal and boring.

Chelsea Manning: Moving On