Kategorie: Allgemein

Mine is fine.

Other people wasting their time make me nervous.

Business as usual.

Stel je voor dat we na de Tsjernobyl-ramp niet alleen de centrale gewoon weer hadden nagebouwd en aangezet, maar ook het oude management hadden laten zitten.

Joris Luyendijk: Erger dan Tsjernobyl

The Book.

Here's a test to find out what an established academic is really interested in: Walk into their office and ask "Can I have a copy of your book?" If they immediately assume to know which one you want, that's their topic.

Not just tonight, again.

Fear is a choice you embrace

Nightwish: Weak Fantasy

I sought you.

Virtual communication is no longer magic.

Leigh Alexander: Cibele and the end of an era for internet lovers