Kategorie: Allgemein


Fortunately, we don't have to make these hard moral decisions. The people programming our robot cars will do it for us.

David Weinberger

Call Me a Dealer.

Ich muss unbedingt davon abraten, mit Holländern zu telefonieren. Oder mit Menschen, die eine holländische Telefonnummer nutzen. Wenn man sich dann auch noch selbst im deutsch-niederländischen Grenzgebiet aufhält, ist das nämlich ein Beweis für Drogengeschäfte.

Udo Vetter / lawblog.de - Holland calling

Liberating Contradiction.

Hier herrscht keine Freiheit, denn Freiheit herrscht nicht.

Die Apokalyptischen Reiter - Freiheit, Gleichheit, Brüderlichkeit

Nail IT.

No matter how bad our workflow is, we do not talk about tools. Humanities' scholar have more important things to discuss. We are interested in content, not in the structures that create it. We thereby selectively ignore most twentieth century theory which should have taught us to focus on the structures that produce knowledge rather than on their results.

Coding the Humanities: When All We Have Is A Hammer

Doing good on paper.

Our findings on attitude-behavior consistency were mixed: ethicists showed the strongest relationship between behavior and expressed moral attitude regarding voting but the weakest regarding charitable donation.

Eric Schwitzgebel and Joshua Rust: The moral behavior of ethics professors: Relationships among self-reported behavior, expressed normative attitude, and directly observed behavior. In: Philosophical Psychology, Volume 27, Issue 3 (2014)