Kategorie: Allgemein

Not-even-how do you do?

Social identity theory outlines the way that humans self-identify with a group or organization that they feel reflects their values and attributes. The identity you apply to yourself, in the United States and especially in a place like New York City, is unfortunately but inevitably tied up in your money-making methods. I am a doctor, I am a journalist, I am a receptionist. In New York, the question "what do you do?" is everywhere you turn. The cost of living means that money is a constant on the minds of the majority of residents. How much you pay in rent is not a taboo question, but rather an extremely common topic of conversation (and probably the question asked next after "what do you do?");

Alecia Lynn Eberhardt: I Am Not My Job: Why I Left New York City


Du stellst diese Frage, entkorkst die Weinflasche, schneidest das Brot in dicke Scheiben, bittest die Ungebetenen, Platz zu nehmen, und hoffst auf eine minimale verbindende Gemeinsamkeit, wie beispielsweise Ratlosigkeit eine sein könnte.

Blütenblätter: Herr M., Herr S., Frau L. und all die anderen, ...

52.3762733, 9.7407459.

There's a place in the town, a statue,
She'd make me wait beneath

The Jezabels - Mace Spray

Hello Me.

We read other people's diaries because our own ones would be too terrifying.

Quote All the Cory.

* Since the 1970s, technologically illiterate politicians and economists have bandied about the idea of an “information economy,” based on buying and selling information piecemeal

* Their bizarre utopia is a world where you can buy and sell information in ever-thinner slices

* Selling the right to watch movies at home but not on vacation

* Selling the right to stream, but not save, a song

* Selling the right to use a program on the phone in your pocket today, but not the right to run it on your next phone
* Ultimately, selling the right to sell a novel to read on Wednesdays, but only between the hours of 5 and 7, while standing on one leg

* Once I was in a meeting at the DVB, where they make the standards for European digital TV, and there was this insane discussion about whether a TV program could be flagged so that you could only watch it in the room where the receiver was

* That is, you couldn’t run a wire or use a wireless transmitter to watch it in another room

* I asked, “Come on, what is this for? It’s not like there’s any law that lets a broadcaster dictate what room you’re allowed to watch a show in”

* And there was a rep from the MPA, the Hollywood movie industry association, there and he said, “Look, watching a movie in one room that’s being received in a different room has value, and if it has value, we should be able to charge money for it”

* Siva Vaidyanthan calls this the “if value, then right” theory — if something has value, someone should have a right to earn money from it

* But I call it it urinary tract infection business model

Cory Doctorow - GLAM and The Free World