Kategorie: Allgemein


But you were just like the government,
Lying all the time

The Jezabels: Got Velvet

Equality for All would be Progress for All.

I caught myself thinking/hoping there would not be anything to blog today.

Then I found this.

Sunset Blame.


Er hatte das Geld. Er war der Mann. Er bestand darauf. Er fühlte sich für alles verantwortlich. Auch für das Wetter.

Alice/Lynn über Max Frisch beim Strandspaziergang mit Volker Weidermann


So you can’t live in the past, but you can be critical of the present. When everything changed to digital a couple of years ago, it entailed the potential for incredible freedom. It should have meant that, with the help of the internet, any cinema in the world could show any film they would like to directly from the filmmaker, without any interference of businessmen or distributors. But this didn’t happen. Because distributors got in between and said “we want the same old structure”, so they lobbied and forced the situation to stay the same, whereas we could have absolute freedom.

Jeffrey Babcock

Open Position(s).

I‘m not gonna apply for so­me­thing I have no clue about and I‘m not gonna sign any pa­pers and I don‘t know be­fo­rehand how I want things to be. We can talk about our CVs, but I‘ll not bring any re­fe­ren­ces.

feministischefetzen: „Love is not a job interview“ – Stories about (not) getting involved with someone