Kategorie: Allgemein

Back to the roots.

Ubuntu is pulling an Apple.

Micah Lee: Why I’m Leaving Ubuntu for Debian

Help her against the Yeah-Sure Devil.

The Fuck-Off Fairy teaches you to stand up for yourself and believe in your value. She gets that sometimes "fuck off" needs to be said politely and with a smile, but while delivering the message clearly. She is an important part of the coming-of-age process.

Although she typically comes at 30, some people are lucky to get their Fuck-Off Fairy visit at a younger age, others may have to wait a bit longer. It is worthy of note, however, that it is never too late for you to invite her to visit you!

Rebecca writing about the Fuck-Off Fairy on offbeathome.com


Words are weird, so let us just read our minds.

Me and my Drummer - The Wings

Ethical Patch.

Do not say anything about someone which you would did and will not say to them.

Einstein. Space. Hitler. Superuniverse. Solidify or Crystallize.

And love's always been the message. It's just - circumstances happen, right? People freak out, just flat flip out, you know?

from the preface of Firewall on The People's Key by the Bright Eyes