Kategorie: Allgemein

To be or not to seem.

"You are always happy, never angry. Always relaxed, never stressed."

Where my stuff spends the night.

Whom and which locations I trust cannot necessarily be told by where I sleep.

A more reliable telltale sign is where I leave my notebook, kindle, etc.

(Non-)Communication Studies.

Yeah, my room mate and I we like don't talk very much. Or actually like not at all to each other. She studies communication. And yeah, me too.


Mr. Autumn.

„Kern der Philosophie“ seien nicht nur Leistungsstärke und Motivation. Respektvoller Umgang miteinander, soziales Engagement, Kommunikationsfähigkeit und die Übernahme von gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung sind Werte, die mindestens genau so wichtig seien, betont Herbst. Er setzt auf ein „Gegenkonzept“ zu Formen der Wirtschaft, in denen Gewinnmaximierung über allem anderen stehe.

Bernd Minges im Wiesbadener Kurier über Wolfgang Herbst

Fast and Furious.

It also helps to be creative, for instance a trip from Vienna to Istanbul can be made by purchasing a special discounted CityStar ticket from the Hungarian railways from the Austrian/Hungarian border to the Bulgarian/Turkish border and just buying two cheap domestic tickets from Vienna to the Hungarian border and from the Turkish boarder to Istanbul, saving you as much as €200 off of a single ticket.

Wikitravel - Rail Travel in Europe