Kategorie: Allgemein


But nothing justifies terrorism. Period. That does not mean that nothing causes it.

M.J. Rosenberg

Not satisfied.

Ich habe, mich niemals durch die Erklärung, welche die Logiker von einem Urteile überhaupt geben, befriedigen können: es ist, wie sie sagen, die Vorstellung eines Verhältnisses zwischen zwei Begriffen.

I have never been able to satisfy myself with the explanation that the logicians give of a judgement in general: it is, they say, the representation of a relation between two concepts.

I. Kant - Kritik der reinen Vernunft / Critique of Pure Reason

H, H and H.

... the film leaves us with questions concerning the relationship between friendship and the service of truth, of emotional life and the conditions of writing truthfully, and of the conditions and costs of public speech.

David Owen

Transitive Happiness.

There is no need for people who know (all about) you. But for people who know how to make you happy.

Scootfietsen niet geschikt.

There is more chatter about what to do about the Scooter Scourge and we look forward to some serious action on this front.
