Kategorie: Allgemein

Legacy W.

"Man kann Philosophen, die ihn nie kennengelernt haben, mit seinem Tonfall philosophieren hören; und Studenten, die kaum seinen Namen richtig schreiben können, rümpfen heute die Nase über Dinge, die er nicht mochte."

G. Ryle über L. Wittgenstein

Crucial Comma.

[T]he name is actually borrowed from Jónsi's younger sister Sigurrós, who was born the same day as the band was formed, and then split into two words.


Good Job, Old Sport.

The Great Gatsby - For NES


This user is a member of too many groups. Ask them to remove themselves from some groups and try again.


It's a ∀∃-thing, not ∃∀.

I don't like people who behave as if their definition of fun is universal.