Kategorie: Allgemein


That you listened to someone singing

You were mine and there is no one who's like me

explains everything. Almost.

(Sunrise Avenue - Forever Yours)


Manche Leute kaufen einfach so eine neue Shampoo-Sorte.

Andere lieber erst mal die alte und die neue. Sicherheitshalber.

Musical Doughnut.

The topology of the syntonic temperament's tonnetz is generally cylindrical. Any syntonic "equal" tuning (i.e., a tempered width of the perfect fifth which divides the octave into a number of equally-wide intervals) snaps this cylinder into a torus(the shape of a ring doughnut, a hula hoop or an inflated tire), showing that it has a topology equivalent to S1×S1.

Wikipedia: Tonnetz


Ich sehe keinen Fortschritt in der heutigen Lebensmitteltechnologie. Auch nicht in sprühbarem Olivenöl.

Станислав Евграфович Петров.

Second, the computer is, by definition, brainless.

the guy who saved us all