Kategorie: Allgemein

Feel, trust, obey ...

Make me sad, make me sleep, make me question,
give me things that can calm this depression.


Dangervisit by Archive on Grooveshark

Counterfactual snackbars.

Concluding this, the theory states that both the counterfactual statements ``If A had not been open, we would not have seen the man with the hamburger'' and ``If A had not been open, B would have been open'' should not be accepted.

If after working this out I still have any such thing as intuitions or opinions about these counterfactuals, then I very much agree with this result: When constructing a possible world in which A had not been open, to keep our thoughts consistent, we do not necessarily need to remove the hamburger-man and we do not necessarily need to open the other snackbar.

All we need to do, is do at least one of these things.

See you tonight.

You Make Me Feel by Archive on Grooveshark

Naturartificial Limits.

Ähnlich wie der Preis einer Prozessorstunde bei AWS die Obergrenze für den Bitcoin-Kurs bestimmt, so bietet der minimale übliche Stundenlohn einen Richtwert wie viel abschreckende Bürokratie ein Wohlfahrtsstaat benötigt um finanzierbar zu bleiben.


Luxus ist wenn das größte Problem des Tages die leeren Batterien der Funkmaus sind.