Kategorie: Allgemein

4 xor 2.

"I'm afraid," he said at last, "that the Question and the Answer are mutually exclusive. Knowledge of one logically precludes knowledge of the other. It is impossible that both can ever be known about the same universe."

Douglas Adams: Life, the Universe and Everything


It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.

Douglas Adams: Life, the Universe and Everything


idealism, struggle, despair, passion, success, failure, and enormously long lunch-breaks.

Douglas Adams: Life, the Universe and Everything

Relational Map.

Manche Leuten erklären ihre (ehemaligen) Beziehungen am besten mit einer Europakarte, bei anderen reicht ein Stadtplan.

Spot on.

Some people know you a little,
some people know you very well,
some people send donuts.