A journal that meets in a virtual hotel.

So, we seem to be stuck with a dysfunctional, antiquated publication system. It is time to end the debate about journals and conferences. Let us design a new publication system, something we, as computing professionals, should know how to do. We should collect system requirements, design the system, implement prototypes, experiment, and iterate. The publication system is our system. We are in charge! Technology opens new avenues, but we must be imaginative and not be bound by the dogmas of the dysfunctional past.

Moshe Vardi: Reboot the Computing-Research Publication Systems (https://doi.org/10.1145/3437991)


Sometimes it seems better to only say something afterwards.

Can one hesitate to hesitate?

Our boredom bleeds us wide awake

The Walkabouts: Fuck Your Fear

(yes, again)


We live in a world where "my email system was updated so I did not notice your message" is a perfectly normal thing to say.

What happened to the idea of choosing your own tools and work environments?

Wolle for future.

Ich meine, es ist halt so.
Wir können nicht.
Es, also, es geht für ein paar.

Aber wir können nicht alle mit einem Mac Book und 'nem Chai Latte in Berlin in 'nem co-working space sitzen und die zehnte Dating-App erfinden, okay?

Es gibt auch ein paar Leute die irgendwas anfassen müssen und sich die Hände schmutzig machen.

Ansonsten geht's halt nich', okay?

Marco Scheel in der NDR Dokumentation Wolle for future - Es wird immer bunter