
A few minutes later, they became engaged. The morning after as they sat at breakfast, he told her his name.


In fact, though their acquaintance had been so short, they had guessed, as always happens between lovers, everything of any importance about each other in two seconds at the utmost, and it now remained only to fill in such unimportant details as what they were called; where they lived; and whether they were beggars or people of substance

Virginia Woolf: Orlando: A Biography


De laatste rookpaal is naar het Spoorwegmuseum in Utrecht gebracht.

NOS: Nieuwe stap in de strijd tegen roken: pakjes met een 'afstotende' kleur  (2020-10-01)


The downside of audio books: I do not have a collection of favorite quotes after I am done with them.

Time for frequent polluter loyalty programs.

Frequent-flying “‘super emitters” who represent just 1% of the world’s population caused half of aviation’s carbon emissions in 2018, according to a study.


Only 11% of the world’s population took a flight in 2018 and 4% flew abroad.

The Guardian: 1% of people cause half of global aviation emissions – study

Big in the (E)U(SSR).

We present evidence that the number of trips matters for more citations but longer distances are only associated with higher citation numbers for European academics.

Konstantinos Chalvatzis, Peter L. Ormosi: The carbon impact of flying to economics conferences: is flying more associated with more citations?